Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We needed to make a business card that had our name and title, address, company name, phone number, and a slogan. I redid this project MANY times, this was VERY frustrating. I tried many different company ideas and i also tried making all the things on the same card different, moving them around , different colors, and different designs and nothing seemed to look good, it all looked to simple. I forgot to add cutting marks to this document, I would add those when changing things. I learned that the scribble affect is very fun to use.


I worked a t on this project. I enjoyed it a lot. It is in my top 5 projects. We needed to make a billboard design based on recycling. I changed my ideas a lot and late in the process. I did lots of work on this project but my work paid off, it looks good, and I got a good grade. Since I worked so long I changed all the things I didn't like and as a result i would not change anything.

Famous Person

We took a picture of some celebrity of our choice and traced all the shadings and features on there picture. This is my all time favorite project in this class. I really liked doing the background of this project. I learned that shading even the little things is very important and if you leave just a little feature out it can change what the final product looks like.

Winter Formal

2009 Winter Formal poster. Challenged with a theme, a saying, a price, time, and even date. This was one of my favorite projects we have done in this class. I enjoyed putting different effects on the background picture, and seeing what they would look like. I would include the ticket price. I would also make it a little more of my own. Julia, our friend, won this project and her poster was used as the main poster.

Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots is a organized thing that all the toys they collect on December 5Th goes to kids who don't get toys. We made poster to be looked through so one can be chosen to go in stores. Our posters must have a Marine outfit in it. This really was not my favorite project. I didn't have any ideas for this poster and I was just drawing a blank. I couldn't seem to make it eye catching. I learned that mixing a cartoon look with a real picture does not look good. In turn I would change the fact that I did mix the two.

Skills Competition

This skills competition is for Clackamas Community College. They were asking us to choose one of our designs to send in to possibly become them logo for there up coming year. I really enjoyed how we could just be very creative yet simple. It was a nicely structured project but it also was very open. I would not have done much different. I learned how to make simple look good.


We were challenged by having to make a design for a logo that was company of our choice. Although my name of my business is cheesy, I like my idea. If I could change anything about this project I would posible change how it looks really plain and the text is too busy. I learned that grouping objects together can come in handy.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Run For The Arts

Our task was to make a poster for the 'Run for the Arts'. I thought that have running instruments was a creative yet related topic idea. Once I put my ideas together I think it all looks very nice. What i liked the most is looking for different fonts to go with the theme of the poster. I like this poster very much and I am not sure what I would change if I had to do this project again. I learned that fonts really does need to fit with the theme of the poster or it will look bad.

Basic Shapes Room

This project uses only one color and it show how you only have one source of light. Since you only have one light source you have to shade every object in the room according to where your one light source is. I really enjoyed making the book shelf because of the shading on the inside of the shelves. I honestly wish I had saved a lot more! My computer glitched and I had to restart the whole project. :( I got very familiar with the gradient tool.